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Local Recycling & Reuse Resources
These are small collection events at different locations
They accept:
Plastics #1 PET clamshells and other non-curbside, clear (no color) #1 plastic items
Plastics #2, 4, 5 and 6
Plastic utensils and straws
Plastic screw-on caps of all sizes
CD and cassette tape cases
Empty contact lens blister packs (with foil removed)
Empty tape dispensers
Plastic bread clips
Where to recycle
Fluorescent tubes & other hazardous waste -
Mama's & Hapa's Zero Waste Shop
Now located at 11122 SE Main St. Milwaukie!
we wanted to destroy the notion that eco-friendly has a price premium. We’re the zero waste shop of the everyday person, so our prices won’t be too different from what you can obtain at the drugstore. Have a look and compare yourself!
Okapi Reusables
Borrow reusable cups from your favorite cafes and skip the waste!
Green Century Recycling
Recycling electronics and styrofoam!
Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act
Recycling program changes will start in July 2025.
Waste Free Advocates fbclid=IwAR2WqDNNCBvRzQzega0lJqXCAWO-9R7v7tBdMOqg7iGfClz8mlwiCu-SZcI
Connecting Oregon communities to minimize over-consumption and waste
Agilyx ~~ CLOSED ~~
Community Warehouse
A place to take your gently used furniture and mattresses to help other families.
Senate Bill 543
Phasing Out Expanded Polystyrene Foodware, Packing
Peanuts and Coolers
goes into effect Jan 1, 2025
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